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God's Vision for You and the World


  • THE PEACE MAKER who, if allowed to do so, can bring an end to all enmity, fighting and wars in and amongst families, friends, co-workers and foes in our homes, organisations, campuses, companies, communities, countries and continents.


    Eph 2:14-18 Christ Our Peace Maker

  • We happened to be in the UK on the 100th Anniversary of Remembrance Day (Poppy Day)

    In this post you will discover:
    1. how the present Financial System came about and at what cost
    2. what negative impact the present Financial System has had on the people who seek true liberty
    3. why one can call the present financial system a world-wide financial system of "legalised theft and slavery"
    4. what you can do to bring about justice, joy and peace and thus enable people world wide to be happy and be free from poverty, debt, guilt and stress.

  • Dr W.E. Sangster once asked a number of people what was the most awful thing they could think of.

    Some said it was their own death. A few said it was the permanent loss of their reason. Others said it was a third world war. Sangster agreed that these were awful possibilities but he claimed there was something even worse than them – atheism! Sheer atheism! The belief that behind this universe there is not the loving Father whom Jesus revealed but some blind impersonal force.

"... on earth, as it is in heaven"