
God's Vision for You and the World

New Year

  • FORGET and FORGIVE  past mistakes to implement solutions for a BETTER FUTURE (relationships & financial).

    I BELIEVE YOU WILL AGREE that it is more difficult for all of us to admit that we have made a mistake in the past than it is for us to commit to doing what is right in the future.

    THEREFORE it is nearly impossible to implement the right solutions for the future by trying to rectify past mistakes by demanding compensation for the wrongs of the past at the same time.
  •  WISHING YOU and your family JOY, PEACE, HEALTH, HAPPINESS and A TOUCH of H.O.P.E. (Heaven On Planet Earth) in 2014.

    I am convinced that you share our desire to live, work and play in a safe, free, peaceful and prosperous community, country and continent.

"... on earth, as it is in heaven"